Martensen IP Blog

Nintendo Sued by Foreign Tech Company Over Patent Issues | Martensen IP Law

Written by Martensen IP | May 26, 2014

A corporate executive or entrepreneur in Colorado often faces the potential to penetrate not only a domestic market, but a global market as well. The product or service offered by a new business may be subject to international intellectual property law that encompasses trademarks, patents and other similar topics. Global intellectual property is sometimes challenged by corporate entities operating from countries located all over the world.

Nintendo allegedly had awareness of a patent and continued with its technology nonetheless, the lawsuit of a Dutch technology company conveys. The Dutch company is apparently arraigning Nintendo of infringement regarding two patents related to motion controls. The Dutch company seeks a trial by jury for the entirety of its introduced claims.

One patent involving motion command and another patent regarding wireless devices with the capability of being controlled remotely by a secondary device are evidently incorporated in the Dutch company’s lawsuit against Nintendo. The Dutch company claims that the technology of Nintendo is infringing on the Dutch company’s research involving interactive systems that utilize remote motion command and detection to manage a device, court documents convey.

Patent infringements and other international business concerns have the potential of turning a promising corporate endeavor into a costly legal battle. A business executive or entrepreneur may be subjected to restraints on their international intellectual property if they are sued, and in some cases they may even face the prospect of closing a business altogether if the dispute proves to be too costly. If you anticipate that your intellectual property will have a presence in an international market, you may wish to contact an attorney that handles global prosecution issues.

Source: Polygon, “Dutch tech company hits Nintendo with another patent infringement suit,” Alexa Ray Corriea, May 15, 2014

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